The symbol that you see on the right is the symbol for copyright. Many people don't even know what copyright is. Copyright is the law of the United States that protect the work of authors, artists and composers. It prevents the public from using or copying the work. There are different parts of copyright and different uses for all of them. Fair Use, for example is a part of copyright. It is the part that checks how much you use, if you use it for educational reasons and that the new version does not change the value of the original product in the market. Public Domain is another part of copyright that ties in with Fair Use. It is not copyrighted work that is free for the public to use. That is fair right?
The good thing about copyright is it protects the work of an individual. It does not let others copy or use the product for purposes such as that to make money out of a new product that could change the value of the original in the market. Some people protest against this law and say it's unfair towards other individuals that want to use the work for their own reasons. Some people ask permission to use the work. Sometimes they get permission, sometimes they don't. But those who don't get permission sometimes copy or use the work anyway. An example of this is Vanilla Ice who copied the heart of Queen's song. Vanilla Ice's hit song Ice Ice Baby had the copied tune of Queen's hit song Under Pressure.
Overall, Copyright is a good rule. It just has some annoying and ugly glitches.